Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update on Ultrasound/IUGR

I had my Ultrasound and GREAT NEWS!!!! Baby Mason is growing wonderfully! he measures 4 days AHEAD.

My Fundal heighth also increased by 5w in the last 2 weeks. My doctors are very happy with how things are going, I feel like crud though because I lost almost 2 lbs so my total weight gain is 6 1/2lbs at nearly 28w.

We got some wonderful 3D/4Dpics of baby mason and he has his daddy's nose I think. he's gonna be such a cute little chubster. At 27w3d he weighs in at a whopping 2lb5oz!

I got my flue shot and discussed possibly having my planned Csection at about 37.5-38w instead of 39w so hopefully I can have a bit of extra time to heal. It might bother some ppl that I want to do this but since I'm having a planned Csection and VBAC is out of the question for me who's to blame me if I want to have a bit of time before xmas to begin to recover, as long as he's healthy and big!

Friday, September 18, 2009

baby mason update, Possible IUGR, and Preterm contractions at 26 weeks

update on baby Mason: Unfortunately my fundal heighth is measuring about 20-22 weeks and I'm 26 weeks along. We have an ultrasound scheduled for 1 1/2 weeks from now to see how HE is growing. With TJ I had IUGR and I kind of expected it with this baby as well since with my mom, she had it with ALL of us children (4 kids)
I've also been dealing with preterm contractions, and was in the hospital 4 times in the last week to get my contractions slowed/stopped. They would get 2-5 minutes apart, and were never regular %100 but definitely worrisome.
They did an FFN test today (fetal Fibronectin?) to see if I'll likely go into labor within the next 14 days. That would NOT be good. I will find out the results tomorrow. 3 of my visits to the hospital ended with a few hrs of monitoring and 2 shots of terbutaline each time, and 1 was with 1 1/2 hrs monitoring and procardia pills to stop ctx.
Good news is that my cervix hasn't changed really other than being about %50 effaced which I believe is fairly normal. The doctors told me that in their opinion, they think the contractions WONT lead to preterm labor/birth but are just a pain in the rear.

mason has been kicking and moving ALOT and each time they try to put monitors on me or use the doppler, he kicks the heck out of it since he doesn't like it. lol